Chiropractic Massage Therapy
Massage therapy has a lot of benefits when coupled with chiropractic. Massage is a great way to help heal soft tissue injuries and relieve pain. Massage also helps to relieve stress, lower blood pressure, stretch muscles and enhance immunity and skin condition. Of course, everybody is different and the best type of massage is different for everybody. Your massage therapist can discuss which type of massage, in conjunction with your chiropractic treatment, is best for you.
Massage Therapy Types
Massage Therapy Chiropractor Minneapolis, Minnesota
Chiropractic and massage therapy are a very effective pair. Chiropractic care focuses on keeping the bones and joints in the body properly aligned so the body can function as intended. Massage therapy focuses on the soft tissue in the body which helps to relieve stress and pain, as well providing other benefits like lowering blood pressure and keeping muscles stretched and in good condition. Massage therapy and chiropractic care work tremendously well together. If you are interested in setting up an appointment, or learning more, give us a call today at 612-529-0202.